Afghanistan, Biggest Hub of Investment & Trade Opportunities in World
The Afghan statesmen are looking for serious presence of investors and traders from all over the world, in particular I.R.Iran. They are ready to pave the way for operation in the world’s most beneficial trade and investment market via presenting necessary guarantees from the their own state and organizations.
The List of Afghanistan major fields to invest:
 | Urban Development |
 | Sewage |
 | Transit and transportation |
 | Communication and telecommunication |
 | Chemical detergent |
 | Food Staff and Beverages |
 | Textile products |
 | Import of technical and engineering services |
 | Poultry and relevant industries |
 | resin, composite and building covers |
 | Health and remedy |
 | irrigation systems |
 | Engineering services of exploration and production of oil & gas |
 | Building materials |
 | light industries |
 | Publishing and packaging industries |
 | wood and furniture industries |
 | power plant construction |
 | plastic products |
 | petrochemical products |
 | Steel and metallogy |
 | agriculture and fabricate industries |
 | Road construction |
 | Mines and metals |
 | Tourism and hotel management |
 | Machineries and |
 | Mine equipment |
 | Medical equipment |
 | Technology education and transition |
 | I.T.C. |
 | Energy |
 | Bank and insurance services |
 | clothes and shoes |
 | Airport and relevant equipments |
 | Educational and training services |
 | Cultural and cinematic products |
 | Heavy machineries |
 | Animal husbandry |
 | Electronic equipments |
 | Software and hardware equipments |
 | Surveying and accounting |
 | State buildings’ renovation |
 | Handicrafts |
 | Montage industry |
 | Human resources education |
 | Urban development |
 | Hospital and medical clinics installation |
 | Automobile, motorcycle and bicycle |
 | Security and protective equipments |
 | Education |
 | Sport complexes construction |
 | Rebuilding, construction and development of universities |
 | Construction of recreational centers |
 | machine-made carpets |
 | Construction of industrial slaughter houses and fridges |
The Amount of Foreign Organizations and Countries’ Financial Commitments
and Aids to Afghanistan
(Over the Conferences of Benn, Berlin and Tokyo)
* Base: US Million Dollars
European Union: | 2300 |
World Bank: | 570 |
I.R. of Iran: | 560 |
Japan: | 500 |
Asian Development Bank: | 500 |
United States of America: | 296 |
England: | 288 |
Germany: | 283 |
Saudi Arabia: | 220 |
The Netherlands: | 103 |
India: | 101 |
Pakistan: | 100 |
Spain: | 100 |
Sweden: | 100 |
Aghakhan Foundation: | 75 |
Canada: | 72 |
South Korea: | 45 |
Italy: | 40 |
United Arab Emirates (UAE): | 38 |
Kuwait: | 40 |
Norway: | 40 |
France: | 24 |
Swiss: | 20 |
Turkey: | 5 |
| |
China: | 1 |
Totally: 6456 million dollars
Afghanistan’s Trade & Economic Ties with the World
Total industrial-commercial exchange of Afghanistan with the world from 2000-2006
The International society’s promise to help Afghanistan has been 39/5 billion dollars, of which the contract of 25/5 billion |
dollars has been signed. |
13 domestic and foreign are currently operating in Afghanistan privately. |
It is estimated the export capacity of dry fruit and nut to increase up to 1 billion dollars within a ten-year period of time. |
At present, Afghanistan meets most of 95 percent of its industrial needs from the outside. |
In Afghanistan, there is an account of 20,000km of roads which should be rebuilt, in which some 35 billion dollars of |
investment has been considered. |
All of the products in Afghanistan for export to the European Union markets include 100-percent customs exemption. |
The first joint house of Afghanistan in the world was established in Iran. |
A majority of Afghan merchants are very honest and they usually pay for imported goods from Iran to Afghanistan in |
advance and before transportation in cash. |
There are over 300 active mines in Afghanistan. |
From 2002-2005, only 13-15 billion dollars have been consumed from the total amount of invested money in Afghanistan |
which is 30 billion dollars. |
Over 57 export items in Afghanistan are free of customs tariffs. |
In 2006, negative trade balance of Afghanistan has been close to 3400 million dollars. |
In Afghanistan some 520,000 tons of different species of grape is annually produced, while there just 8 relevant factories. |
Considering the quality and diversity of fruits in Afghanistan, it can be changed into one of the best producers of fruit |
juice, fruit powder and extract in the world. |
The reason behind the Afghan traders' great tendency towards business with I.R. of Iran and purchase of their most of commodities from Iran, according to the Afghan businessmen is believe in buying people's necessities and goods from Muslims, Iranian government and people's generous aids during Afghans' entanglement, complete acquaintance with Iranian market and products, higher quality of Iranian products, needing Iran as the most confident, inexpensive and safest transit route of Afghanistan's import and export, enjoying appropriate social and economic position in Iran, common language, religion, culture and custom as well as many other such items.